Country Of Birth
Place Of Work
Tuesley Farm
Favourite Berry
I came to the UK in 2002, after studying at the University of Rzeszow. My job with Hall Hunter was my first overseas and I’d planned to work for a season – maybe two or three months – to earn money to pay for further education.
Like the majority of people who start at Hall Hunter, I began my career here as a picker. From the moment I arrived I was made to feel welcome. I have really happy memories of my first few days! We were young, we worked hard, we had a lot of fun together and most amazingly to me, we helped grow Hall Hunter into the huge company it is today.
Many of the people I met during my first season are still working here, most are now in the management team like me. After the first two seasons, I joined the husbandry team followed by irrigation and then propagation. I then became office administrator, before joining one of the growing teams at Heathlands Farm where I became Assistant Farm Manager. Since the end of 2023, I am a Tuesley Farm Manager. I’ve been given a huge amount of opportunity to develop and learn over the years.
I think in hindsight, my role as a ‘grower’ gave me the strongest grounding. I learned a lot during this time and the experience ultimately led me to where I am today.
A lot has changed over the last fifteen years, everything is always improving. Whether it’s working conditions or health and safety, growing and accommodation, facilities or welfare, it just keeps getting better and better.